The Steering Committee of the Global Geodetic Observing System
Disclaimer: You have entered work pages used by the GGOS Steering Committee (SC) for the exchange of internal material. If you are not a member of the Steering Committee or an invited guest, you are not authorized to use these pages.
The Seventeenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
Currently, no internal documents are available.
The Sixteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
Currently, no internal documents are available.
The Fifteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
TOP 5: Reports from Bureaus and Web Portal
The Bureau and Web Portal reports are available on the public reports page. The Report of the Bureau for Network and Communications will also include some slides on the status of IGFS, which are available here as pdf.
TOP 6: GGOS Strategy and Implementation Plan
Draft contents for the GGOS Strategy document are available as doc.
TOP 9: Reports from the WGs
The WG reports are available on the public reports page.
TOP 11: Progress towards an ISO standard for ITRS
The presentation to be given by C. Boucher is available as pdf.
TOP 12: GGOS Publication Series
A proposal for a GGOS Publication Series prepared by R. Gross is available as doc. A slide for presentation is available as pdf.
TOP 13: Next SC Meetings, Workshops, and Symposia Sessions
After looking in detail into two alternative locations, the GGOS EC decided to organize the Unified Analysis Workshop and the GGOS Retreat at the Embassy Suites, Napa. The alternative location considered was the Best Western Lighthouse Hotel, Pacifica (very close to San Francisco, see also the pictures H.-P. Plag took during a visit).
The Fourteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
TOP 3: Action Item Status
AI GGOS-SC13-9: The letter of the CEOS Co-Chairs is available as pdf. For an overview of the CEOS Working Groups, please, see the information under the link 'CEOS Components" at the CEOS Web Page under Subsidiary Groups.
Top 4: Brief Reports from the GGOS Chairs
The Chair's report made reference to a list of GGOS milestones, which is maintained as GGOS Milestones.
GGOS had received a letter proposing a conference on the future of the IAG Services. The letter was made available as pdf.
Two key documents discussed at the GEO-V Plenary are the 2009-2011 Work Plan and the Strategic Targets. GEO Members and Participating Organizations were invited to comment on the Strategic Target document by 31 January 2009.
A potentially relevant activity is the GEO Task AR-06-11, which looks at protection of radio frequencies for Earth observations. Two documents could be relevant, namely a call for input and a draft report. Comments and potential input in response of the call from persons interested in radio frequency protections would be very helpful.
Top 5: Outreach and User Linkage WG
The Charter for the Outreach and User Linkage WG was made available as draft.
GGOS had also received a request to nominate a representative for the "JB GIS at the Ad hoc Committee on Risk and Disaster Management". This is considered to be and outreach activity and was discussed here. The following documents were made available:
Top 6: ITRS: Towards an international standard?
A position paper considering the pros and cons of an international standard for the global geodetic reference system based on ITRS was available as draft Version 4. The position paper was presented by Pascal Willis. His presentation was made available prior to the SC14 as ppt.
Top 7: GGOS Components: Results of the CfPs
The following proposal were received:
- CfP for Coordinating Office and Web Portal (see CfP and Portal Spec):
- Proposal for Web Portal by BKG, Germany, pdf.
No proposals were received for the Coordinating Office.
- CfP for Bureau for Networks and Communications (see CfP):
- Proposal by NASA, USA, pdf.
- CfP for Bureau for Standards and Conventions (see CfP):
- Proposal by FGS, Germany, pdf;
Cover letter for Proposal by FGS, Germany, pdf.
- CfP for Bureau for Satellite Missions (see CfP):
No proposals were received for the Bureau for Satellite Missions.
TOP 15: Next SC Meetings, Workshops, and Symposia Sessions
A detailed Draft Meeting Plan was made available as draft.
The GGOS 2008 Retreat and the Thirteenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
A list of registered participants in the meetings is available here. All other material for the Retreat and the 13th SC Meeting is available on the public Retreat and 13th SC meeting page.
The Twelfth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
A list of anticipated participants in the meeting is available
- Agenda Item 5: The Working Group Reports submitted so far
are available at the Reports Page.
The Eleventh Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
Following up GGOS-SC10-13, Bernd Richter provided an updated version of the
draft Call for Proposals for the GGOS Portal. The draft is available as
The Tenth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee
The following material was made available for the SC10:
- TOP 5 "WG Reports":
- TOP 6 "Geo reports":
- Task AR-07-03: The Task Sheet for Task AR-07-03 was updated in May 2007
(see doc), but due to some unanounced ad hoc
changes in the Task Sheet publication plan not updated on the GEO ftp server. The updates will be included
in the next issue to be published in September 2007.
- ADC: Executive Summary (pdf) of the ADC meeting #4 in Tokyo, May 2007.
- Task Force 2: The GEO report to the Ministerial Summit is prepared by Task Force 2.
IAG/GGOS is represented in the Task Force by Hans-Peter Plag (see the Membership,
The Task Force follows a tight schedule (see the latest version of the schedule,
Currently, Version
3 of the draft Report on Progress is available (pdf). For Task
AR-07-03, an early achievement was reported for this task force and accepted
- Tsunami WG: Report from the Meeting in June 2007 (mail).
- TOP 7 "GEO opportunities": In connection with the Ministerial Summit in
Cape Town, South Africa, in November 2007, GEO has invited members and Participating Organizations
to contribute:
- Early achievements (pdf)
- Publications (pdf)
- Exhibition (pdf)
- Video Exhibition (pdf)
GEO also issued several calls for participation:
- Call For Participation (CFP) for the GEO Standards and Interoperability forum (SIF)
- TOP 8 "GGOS 2020": The Draft sent out for internal IAG hearing is available
as pdf. Comments received
are available at the internal GGOS 2020 Page under the
link "Reviewers' Comments". An edited version V0.18 will be made available on June 29.
- TOP 9 "TOR": The ToR as sent out for vote with all changes applied
are available as pdf.
As input in the discussion of future GGOS ToR with a more evolved vision, mission and
objectives part, draft ToR were prepared by Hans-Peter Plag and Bente Lilja Bye
- TOP 11: "GGOS Portal CfP": A draft CfP for the GGOS Portal has been
prepared by Carey Noll and Bernd Richter doc. Hans-Peter Plag prepred some initial ideas on a
GGOS Clearing-house for geodesy doc.
Following up the Action Items of the GGOS 2007 Retreat
The GGOS 2007 Retreat
The following material was made available for the Retreat:
- Topic 5 Monday, 11:30 - 11:45 Decision on new Steering Committee members: The GGOS EC received a mail from
the IAS requesting presentation on the Steering Committee, see mail.
- Topic 6 Monday, 11:45 - 15:40 Reports from GGOS WG:
- WG on Networks and Communication
- WG on Outreach and User Linkage: Relevant documents are the WG Charter and
the GEO Outreach Plan.
- Topic 7 Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Reports from GEO Representatives:
The GEO representatives provided the following report presentations in advance:
- S. Zerbini: Science and Technology Committee (ppt)
For the discussion of GEO Task AR-07-03, the following documents are relevant:
- The GEO Work Plan 2007-2009 pdf
- The draft AR-07-03 task description doc
- The Task Matrix xls
- The Work Plan Roster xls
- The Ministerial Meeting Preparation document pdf
- 8 Tuesday, 09:00 - 11:30 The GGOS 2020 Process:
The most recent draft of the GGOS 2020 Reference Document is available as
- Topic 9 Tuesday, 11:30 - 17:30 Building GGOS on the IAG Services:
The existing and potential future services as well as the IAG Commissions were asked a set of
questions to consider in their presentations.
As an example, the mail to the IERS is provided here, see mail.
The following written responses have been received so far:
- GGP: David Crossley and Jacque Hinderer have made available input concerning
GGOS and in situ gravimetry (see the doc).
- Topic 14 Wednesday, 17:15 - 17:30 GGOS 2007 Workshop: Preliminary information on the Workshop
is available at the Workshop Page. A draft program
is informally made available as draft program.
Previous Activities
In 2006, the Executive Committee has been coordinating the response and input to the GEO Work Plan. A full account of these activities is available on the GGOS-GEO page. As a result, the task AR-07-03 is included in the GEO Work Plan 2007-2009.
Since May 2006, the Executive Committee has been guiding the work related to GGOS 2020. Some information is available on the public page, while the full documentation is on the internal page.
In 2007, the Executive Committee organized the GGOS 2007 Workshop. The web page is available at the Workshop page.
Recent reports
For WG and GEO representatives reports, see the specific Report Page.
Last edited 02 December 2016
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