A Library on Geodesy, ggos, and GGOS


Plag, H.-P., Rizos, C., Rothacher, M., Neilan, R., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): Detecting the Fingerprints of Global Change in Geodetic Quantities. Submitted to Proceedings of EOGC 2009, (pdf).

Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Pearlman, M., Neilan, R., Ma, C., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System. In Solid Earth (SE), edited by K. Satake, vol. 13 of Advances in Geosciences, pp. 105-127 (pdf).

Plag, H.-P., Gross, R. and Rothacher, M., 2009: Global Geodetic Observing System for geohazards and global change. Geosciences, BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth, 9, 96-103 (pdf, high res. pdf).

Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Pearlman, M., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System - The System. Geomatics World, Mar/Apr. 2009, 22-25 (pdf).

Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Neilan, R., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System - The Organisation. Geomatics World, Jan/Feb. 2009, 26-28 (pdf).

Poutanen, M. et al., 2005. NGOS - The Nordic Geodetic Observing System.

Poutanen, M. et al., 2006. The Nordic Geodetic Observing System (pdf).

Rummel, R. et al., 2005: Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Science Rationale (pdf)

Drewes, H. 2005: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/eighthunrccadocuments.htm, local pdf)

Plag, H.-P. et al., 2005. The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): observing the dynamics of the Earth system (local pdf).

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