Introduction to GGOS. |
GGOS and Geohazards. |
GGOS and Sea Level. |
Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Pearlman, M., Neilan, R., Ma, C., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System. Advances in Geoscience, in press (pdf).
Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Pearlman, M., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System - The System. Geomatics World, Mar/Apr. 2009, 22-25 (pdf).
Plag, H.-P., Rothacher, M., Neilan, R., 2009: The Global Geodetic Observing System - The Organisation. Geomatics World, Jan/Feb. 2009, 26-28 (pdf).
Plag, H.-P., and the AR-07-03 Task Team, 2007: Global Geodetic Reference Frames. In The Geosecretariat (ed.): The first 100 Steps of GEOSS, GEO Secretariat, Geneva, 34-35 (available at http://www.earthobservations.org/ or locally as pdf).
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