The Web Pages under the URL are designed, maintained, and hosted as an information source on geodesy and the global geodetic observing system. Time is invested in these pages for the following reason: Mitigation and adaptation of many of the key problems of humanity including climate change, sea level rise, water supply, and geohazards have to be informed by sufficient Earth observations. Geodetic observations relate to changes in the Earth's surface, gravity field, and rotation. These changes are directly related to mass transport in the global water cycle, changes in the dynamics of the Earth system, and processes leading to geohazards. Therefore, geodesy has an important contribution to make in addressing these issue with informed decisions.
The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) can provide a significant contribution and enable the use of global geodesy for the benefit of humanity, if focus is on societally relevant issues. These pages make an effort to inform GGOS about these issues, and, at the same time, to inform those involved in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) about the potential contribution of GGOS.
In the so-called "GGOS Archive", this web sites also includes archived material related to the internal operation of GGOS. These pages are not offical pages of GGOS. Unless explicitly stated, none of the information provided there has been reviewed, authorized or endorsed by the GGOS or the IAG and all material not declared otherwise has to be considered personal opinion of the authors.
If not explicitely stated, no financial support has been provided in any form for the maintenance or the hosting of the web pages. Please, read the Disclaimer before using any of the material provided on these pages.