GGOS Working Groups:

Former Working Groups (2005-2008):

The Working Groups of GGOS

GGOS has currently five Working Groups. The activities of two former Working Groups have been transitioned into two newly established GGOS Bureaus, namely the Bureau for Networks and Communications and the Bureau for Standards and Conventions.

The Working Groups are:

  • Satellite Missions: Chaired by C.K. Shum, this Working Group facilitating communication between GGOS and the operators of relevant satellite missions with the promote missions that are needed for geodetic observations and to inform the GGOS community in a timely manner about developments and opportunities that require input from the geodetic community.

  • Data and Information Systems: Co-chaired by Bernd Richter and Carey Noll, this Working Group focuses on the data and information infrastructure needed for GGOS and aims to ensure interoperability of the infrastructure across the IAG Services and with relevant external systems.

  • Outreach and User Linkage: Chaired by Bente Lilje Bye, this Working Group develops a concept for the outreach of GGOS and its linkage to major user groups, and the group develops promotion material.

  • GEO Relations: Chaired by Hans-Peter Plag, this Working Group is responsible for the representation of IAG in GEO. IAG has delegated this representation to GGOS, and the IAG representatives in the GEO Committees and Task Teams are members of this Working Group.

  • ITRS Standard: Chaired by Claude Boucher, this Working Group develops a concept for a potential ISO Standard concerning the global geodetic reference system, with ITRS being a prime candidate.

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    Last edited 02 December 2016