GGOS Steering Committee Retreat, February 15-17, 2006 Munich ============================================================ Subject: o Quick summary of some decisions at the GGOS meeting on 8 December in San Francisco o NOTICE - GGOS Retreat scheduled for February 15 & 16, with WG splinter meetings on Friday Feb 17 to be hosted at DGFI in Munich, Germany o This message requests IAG Services and Commissions to designate a representative to the new GGOS Steering Committee. This representative should plan to attend the February retreat. Dear colleagues, in San Francisco during the AGU, the GGOS chair and co-chairs organized a meeting of the first GGOS Steering Committee which was active for the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the December 8, 2005 meeting was to focus on internal organization of GGOS, as well as to discuss the progress made with IGOS-P and GEO. The detailed minutes of the meeting are being prepared and will be distributed soon. It is important to note that GGOS is a way to coordinate the various IAG components in order to better represent the important contributions of geodesy to the outside world. The first GGOS Steering Committee decided by unanimous consent to constitute a new GGOS Steering Committee which will be active at least until the IUGG meeting in Perugia in 2007 where full GGOS Terms of Reference, strategies and implementation plans for the next years 2007-2011 will be reviewed by the IAG Executive Committee. It was also agreed that the new Steering Committee should meet as soon as possible. This new GGOS Steering Committee that was approved will have the following composition: Representatives of the IAG Services 8-11 Chairs of GGOS Working Groups 4 Chairs of GGOS representatives to GEO 5 (depending on GEO structure) Representatives of the IAG Commissions 4 GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs 3 IAG President 1 Head of Science Panel 1 Members at Large 2 (to be determined) --------------------------------------------------------------- Total 28-31 The Steering Committee also approved a small GGOS Executive Committee to carry out the decisions of the Steering Committee between meetings. This Executive Committee will be comprised of: GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs 3 IAG President 1 Additional SC members 3 (to be approved by the SC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 7 Chairs of the Service Governing Boards and Commission Presidents are kindly asked to designate a representative to the GGOS Steering Committee, if you require more time for a full decision of your Board or Commission, a delegate to the retreat is acceptable in the interim. Note that there is a meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee planned during the EGU, on Tuesday April 4 from 18:00 - 21:00. A number of additional key people will also be invited to participate in the retreat. The GGOS retreat will be hosted by DGFI in Munich from February 15-17, with plenary sessions on Wednesday and Thursday and working group splinter sessions on Friday. This follows GAGOS and EPPIGOS meetings that will take place February 13 and 14 in Munich. The program for the retreat is being prepared and will be distributed in January. The GGOS retreat will concentrate on the following points: o detail the vision for GGOS, o address the user requirements, o plans to draft ToR including the structure and the Science Panel, o discuss the IGOS-P Theme, o identify the GGOS contributions to GEOSS, o consider steps towards the internal integration process of GGOS, o specify the GGOS Portal in terms of Earth science and GGOS products, o prepare for GGOS SC meeting, EGU, Vienna, Tuesday April 4, 18:00 - 21:00 o prepare the GGOS workshop in October 2006, and o prepare for the IUGG General Assembly in Perugia, 2007. Many thanks are due to the first Steering Committee for their excellent work over the past years and for preparing the ground work for greater integration of GGOS that we now face. With best regards and wishes for a very happy holiday, Markus Rothacher IAG Component and GGOS Contact List ----------------------------------- Services and Current contact - Chair of the Governing Board: International GNSS Service John Dow International VLBI Service Wolfgang Schlueter International Laser Ranging Service Werner Gurtner International Gravity Field Service Rene Forsberg International Gravimetric Bureau I. Marson International Geoid Service Fernando Sanso International Center for Earth Tides Bernard Ducarme International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Chopo Ma Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level Phil Woodworth Time Section of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures Felicitas Arias International Doris Service Giles Tavernier Commissions and Commission Presidents: 1 Reference Frames Hermann Drewes 2 Gravity Field Chris Jekeli 3 Earth Rotation and Geodynamics Veronique Dehant 4 Positioning and Applications Chris Rizos GGOS Working Group Chairs: Data and Information Bernd Richter, Carey Noll Outreach Bente Lilja Bye Network Mike Pearlman Missions Srinivas Bettapur Conventions (two tbd, must include aspects of gravity) Publishing and Legal Matters (to be discussed in context of new structure) (Strategy and Funding to be responsibility of the full SC) GGOS Representatives to GEO - may change based on GEO structure: WG on Architecture & Data B. Richter, R. Neilan WG on Science and Technology M. Pearlman, S. Zerbini WG on Capacity Building and Outreach C. Rizos, H. Drewes WG on User Interface H.-P.Plag, C.K. Shum Special WG on Tsunami Activities: H.-P. Plag, T. Schoene GGOS Steering Committee Retreat, February 15-17, 2006 Munich ================================================================================ Subject: o Quick summary of some decisions at the GGOS meeting on 8 December in San Francisco o NOTICE - GGOS Retreat scheduled for February 15 & 16, with WG splinter meetings on Friday Feb 17 to be hosted at DGFI in Munich, Germany o This message requests IAG Services and Commissions to designate a representative to the new GGOS Steering Committee. This representative should plan to attend the February retreat. Dear colleagues - In San Francisco during the AGU, the GGOS chair and co-chairs organized a meeting of the first GGOS Steering Committee which was active for the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the December 8, 2005 meeting was to focus on internal organization of GGOS, as well as to discuss the progress made with IGOS-P and GEO. The detailed minutes of the meeting are being prepared and will be distributed soon. It is important to note that GGOS is way to coordinate the various IAG components in order to better represent the important contributions of geodesy to the outside world. The first GGOS Steering Committee decided by unanimous consent to constitute a new GGOS Steering Committee which will be active at least until the IUGG meeting in Perugia in 2007 where full GGOS Terms of Reference, strategies and implementation plans for the next years 2007-2011 will be reviewed by the IAG Executive Committee. It was also agreed that the new Steering Committee should meet as soon as possible. This new GGOS Steering Committee that was approved will have the following composition: Representatives of the IAG Services 8-11 Chairs of GGOS Working Groups 4 Chairs of GGOS representatives to GEO 5 (depending on GEO structure) Representatives of the IAG Commissions 4 GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs 3 IAG President 1 Head of Science Panel 1 Members at Large 2 (to be determined) --------------------------------------------------------------- Total 28-31 The Steering Committee also approved a small GGOS Executive Committee to carry out the decisions of the Steering Committee between meetings. This Executive Committee will be comprised of: GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs 3 IAG President 1 Additional SC members 3 (to be approved by the SC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 7 Chairs of the Service Governing Boards and Commission Presidents are kindly asked to designate a representative to the GGOS Steering Committee, if you require more time for a full decision of your Board or Commission, a delegate to the retreat is acceptable in the interim. Note that there is a meeting of the GGOs Steering Committee planned during the EGU, on Tuesday April 4 from 18:00 - 21:00. A number of additional key people will also be invited to participate in the retreat. The GGOS retreat will be hosted by DGFI in Munich from February 15-17, with plenary sessions on Wednesday and Thursday and working group splinter sessions on Friday. This follows GAGOS and EPPIGOS meetings that will take place February 13 and 14 in Munich. The program for the retreat is being prepared and will be distributed in January. The GGOS retreat will concentrate on the following points: o detail the vision for GGOS, o address the user requirements, o plans to draft ToR including the structure and the Science Panel, o discuss the IGOS-P Theme, o identify the GGOS contributions to GEOSS, o consider steps towards the internal integration process of GGOS, o specify the GGOS Portal in terms of Earth science and GGOS products, o prepare for GGOS SC meeting, EGU, Vienna,Tuesday April 4, 18:00 - 21:00 o prepare the GGOS workshop in October 2006, and o prepare for the IUGG General Assembly in Perugia, 2007. Many thanks are due to the first Steering Committee for their excellent work over the past years and for preparing the ground work for greater integration of GGOS that we now face. with best regards and wishes for a very happy holiday: Markus Rothacher IAG Component and GGOS Contact List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Services and Current contact - Chair of the Governing Board: International GNSS Service John Dow International VLBI Service Wolfgang Schlueter International Laser Ranging Service Werner Gurtner International Gravity Field Service Rene Forsberg International Gravimetric Bureau I. Marson International Geoid Service Fernando Sanso International Center for Earth Tides Bernard Ducarme International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Chopo Ma Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level Phil Woodworth Time Section of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures Felicitas Arias International Doris Service Giles Tavernier Commissions and Commission Presidents: 1 Reference Frames Hermann Drewes 2 Gravity Field Chris Jekeli 3 Earth Rotation and Geodynamics Veronique Dehant 4 Positioning and Applications Chris Rizos GGOS Working Group Chairs: Data and Information Bernd Richter, Carey Noll Outreach Bente Lilja Bye Network Mike Pearlman Missions Srinivas Bettapur Conventions (two tbd, must include aspects of gravity) Publishing and Legal Matters (to be discussed in context of new structure) (Strategy and Funding to be responsibility of the full SC) GGOS Representatives to GEO - may change based on GEO structure: WG on Architecture & Data B. Richter, R. Neilan WG on Science and Technology M. Pearlman, S. Zerbini WG on Capacity Building and Outreach C. Rizos, H. Drewes WG on User Interface H.-P.Plag, C.K. Shum Special WG on Tsunami Activities: H.-P. Plag, T. Schoene