List of Action Items

List created on 2009- 8-17 17:51:49 -0700

Action Item GGOS-SC15-1: Bernd Richter and Carey Noll as co-chairs of the WG on Data and Information Systems will ensure that a proposal for the design of the GGOS Web Portal is developed and submitted to the GGOS SC for comments and endorsement. Responsible: Bernd Richter, Carey Noll, Deadline: 2009-05-31.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-2: Bernd Richter and Carey Noll as co-chairs of the WG on Data and Information Systems will ensure that the WG develops a concept for the metadata formats and contents related to the Web Portal. Responsible: Bernd Richter, Carey Noll, Deadline: 2009-07-31.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-3: Bernd Richter and Carey Noll as co-chairs of the WG on Data and Information Systems will ensure that the WG establishes an inventory of data sources in the IAG community. Responsible: Bernd Richter, Carey Noll, Deadline: 2009-08-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-4: Richard Gross will review the Science Panel membership and solicite new members to represent hydrology an glaciology. Responsible: Richard Gross, Deadline: 2009-08-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-5: All SC Members will send comments on the Draft Strategy Document content to Markus Rothacher. Responsible: Steering Committee, Deadline: 2009-06-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-6: Markus Rothacher will ensure that the Draft Strategy Document undergoes a comprehensive review in the Steering Committee, the Science Panel and the larger IAG Community. Responsible: Markus Rothacher, Deadline: 2009-08-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-7: All SC Members will send suitable figures for the Strategy Document to Markus Rothacher. Responsible: Steering Committee, Deadline: 2009-06-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-8: Markus Rothacher will work with Ruth Neilan and others to identify people with expertice in layout and communication to help with the Strategy document. Responsible: Markus Rothacher, Deadline: 2009-06-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-9: Bernd Richter will ensure that the draft document detailing the objectives and concepts of the Gruenreich/Rummel conferences is distributed to the GGOS SC. Responsible: Bernd Richter, Deadline: 2009-06-30.

Action Item GGOS-SC15-10: Michael Pearlman as the director of the BNC will develop a proposal for a GGOS project related to the implementation of the Global Geodetic Core Network (GGCN) and provide this to the GGOS SC. Responsible: Michael Pearlman, Deadline: 2009-08-15.

Action Item GGOS-SC14-6: The GGOS EC will follow up progress in the preparation of the meeting of major geodetic agencies and interact with the organizers of this meeting. Responsible: Executive Committee, Deadline: 2009-03-31.

Action Item GGOS-SC14-11: Markus Rothacher will work together with the co-authors of the Strategy Document and the GGOS Steering Committee to prepare the draft Strategy document prior to the meeting of the major agencies supporting the geodetic infrastructure. Responsible: Markus Rothacher, Deadline: 2009-03-31.

Status of Action Item GGOS-SC14-11: Open.
Report: At SC15, Markus Rothacher presented a draft list of contents prepared by the core group of co-authors, which led to considerable discussions. Reported on 2009-05-08 by Hans-Peter Plag.

Action Item GGOS-SC10-3: The GGOS EC will establish a review process for GGOS Leaflets including the Topic of the Months leaflets, and this review process will involve the GGOS Science Panel. Responsible: Executive Committee, Deadline: 2007-09-15.

Status of Action Item GGOS-SC10-3: Delayed.
Report: The review process was briefly discussed during SC11 but no decision was made. Reported on 2007-12-01 by Hans-Peter Plag.

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