GGOS Reports:
The Global Geodetic Observing System
Reports of the GGOS Working Groups and Bureaus
The GGOS WG Chairs and GEO representatives frequently report back to the Steering Committee (SC), which is the main decision making body of the GGOS. These reports document the level of activity in GGOS and keep an account of the GGOS implementation and its relation to external organisations.
Here we provide access to all these reports in a reversed chronological order, normally sorted according to the meeting these reports where discussed.
- Fifteenth Steering Committee Meeting, April 18, 2009:
- Bureau for Standards and Conventions (Report, pdf, (Draft ToR, pdf)
- Bureau for Networks and Communication (pdf)
- GGOS Portal (pdf)
- GGOS Science Panel (pdf)
- Working Group on Satellite Missions (pdf)
- Working Group on GEO Relations (pdf)
- Working Group on ITRS Standard (pdf)
- Twelfth Steering Committee Meeting, December 12, 2007:
- WG Reports to the Steering Committee:
- Seventh Steering Committee Meeting, December 12, 2006:
- WG Reports to the Steering Committee:
- Ground Networks and Communication
- GEO Representatives:
- Science and Technology Committee: See the report prepared by
S. Zerbini (ppt,
- Capacity Building Committee: See the report sent by
Ludwig Combrinck in a mail (txt).
- Working Group on Tsunami Activities: See the report to the
SC5. Since then there has been no activities of that WG.
- Fifth Steering Committee Meeting, April 5, 2006:
- Fourth Steering Committee Meeting, February 15-16, 2006: (to be added, see the respective meeting page).
- Third Steering Committee Meeting, December 8, 2005: (to be added, see the respective
Last edited 02 December 2016
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