[7 November 2007] 2007 GEO/GGOS Workshop demonstrated the crucial role of geodetic observations and products for geohazards monitoring and disaster mitigation: The 2007 GEO/GGOS Workshop on the GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and an Observing System for Geohazards and Disaster Prevention took place on November 5-6, 2007 at the ESA facility ESRIN in Frascati, Italy. During the first day, representatives of three space agencies and GEO emphasised the importance of the global geodetic reference frames and infrastructure for Earth observations and indicated their continuous support of GGOS, while representatives of the GGOS community presented GGOS and illustrated some of the Earth science results based on geodetic observations. During the second day, focus was on GGOS contribution relevant for geohazards, and the presentations gave an impressive overview of the versatile role of geodetic observation in relevant research, monitoring, assessment and early warning. A summary of the workshop and the presentations is available through the Workshop Web Page.