[2 March 2007] GGOS 2020 Forum at the EGU Meeting in Vienna: The GGOS 2020 Forum will take place on Tuesday, April 17, 2007, from 5:00 Pm to 7:00 PM. GGOS is currently carrying out a community process in the Frame of the GEO Task AR-07-03 (Global Geodetic Reference Frames) under the title "The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020", denoted shortly as GGOS 2020. The main output of this process, which started in April 2006, will be a comprehensive document with the anticipated audience being those implementing, operating, and using GGOS. The GGOS 2020 Forum aims to give the broad scientific community assembled at the EGU meeting the opportunity to discuss this documents with the GGOS 2020 lead authors. The lead authors will briefly introduce the results of the GGOS 2020 process and then engage in a discussion with the audience. The GGOS 2020 Forum is open for all EGU participants. Questions related to the Forum can be directed to Hans-Peter Plag.