Overall Meeting Plans:

Meetings of GGOS Components:

Past GGOS Meetings

Meeting Types: CO: Conference, SY: Symposium/Session, WS: Workshop, WG: Meetings of Working Group, SC: Steering Committees Meeting.

Proposed Date Contacts Type Meeting description Venue, Co-locations, other information
December 2009 R. Gross, M. Rothacher, H.-P. Plag SC Title: GGOS Science Session.
Duration: 1 day maximum.
Objectives: Open scientific session soliciting papers relevant to GGOS.
Participants: Interested scientists.
Status: Accepted by the AGU Program Committee as Session G18: The Global Geodetic Observing System and the Global Water Cycle (Session page).
San Francisco, USA; Session at the Annual Assembly of the AGU.
December 10-11, 2009 M. Rothacher, B. Richter, R. Gross WS Title: Unified Analysis Workshop 2009.
Duration: Up to 3 days.
Objectives: Issues related to analysis of geodetic observations.
Participants: GGOS Steering Committee members, GGOS Science Panel, and invited guests.
Status: Decision on date and location taken by GGOS EC.
San Francisco Area in the week before the Fall AGU meeting.
November 2009 R. Rummel, D. Gruenreich. CO Title: The Future of the IAG Services.
Duration: several days.
Objectives: Discuss concepts and models for a sustainable organization and funding of the IAG Services.;
Participants: Representatives of agencies that fund major parts of the current Services' activities; representatives of the Services including GGOS; representatives of GEO and other relevant intergovernmental bodies such as UNESCO and ICG, who potentially could provide a frame for intergovernmental agreements.
Status: Endorsed by the SC at SC14. Otherwise status is unclear.
September 30-October 2, 2009 R. Pail, R. Haagmans, H.-P. Plag, M. Watkins WS Title: Towards a Roadmap for Gravity Satellite Missions.
Duration: 3 days.
Objectives: Establish a roadmap for future gravity satellite missions that would outline the sensore development, mission concept development, and mission implementation, and that would be consistent with anticipations of the major space agencies, CEOS, GEO, and key user groups (such as IGWCO, the GEO Water Tasks, Earth scientists, and GGOS itself).
Participants: Representatives of GGOS Steering Committee, GGOS Science Panel, CEOS, GEO, space agencies, and other relevant groups as well as invited scientists.
Status: See Workshop page.
Graz, Austria.
September 2, 2009 R. Gross, H.-P. Plag, Luiz Paulo Fortes. SC Title: GGOS Session.
Duration: 1 day maximum.
Objectives: Review the progress of GGOS since 2005 and address scientific questions relevant to GGOS. For more details, see the Call for Papers.
Participants: All participants in the IAG2009 assembly.
Status: Session organized and announced.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, integrated in the program of the IAG2009 Assembly of IAG.
August 30, 2009 M. Rothacher, H.-P. Plag, R. Neilan WS Title: 16-th Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee.
Duration: 1 day maximum.
Objectives: GGOS implementation issues.
Participants: GGOS Steering Committee members and invited guests.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, co-located with the IAG2009 Assembly of IAG.
For more information, see the Meeting Page.
June 23-26, 2009 R. Gross WS Title: GGOS Science Workshop 2009: A Joint DynaQlim/GGOS Workshop.
Duration: 4 days.
Objectives: Consider science issues relevant to GGOS and postglacial rebound.
Participants: GGOS Science Panel Members, open for all interested scientists.
Status: Completed. See Workshop Page.
Espoo, Finland.
April 18, 2009 M. Rothacher, H.-P. Plag, R. Neilan SC Title: 15-th Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee.
Duration: 13:00 - 19:00
Objectives: Follow up implementation of the new components; decision concerning Coordinating Office; reports of WGs and Bureaus; status of strategy document and implementation issues.
Participants: GGOS Steering Committee members and invited guests.
Status: completed; see the SC15 Meeting Page.
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, co-located with the Annual Assembly of the EGU.
April 20, 2009 R. Gross, M. Rothacher, H.-P. Plag SC Title: GGOS Science Session.
Duration: 1 day maximum.
Objectives: Open scientific session soliciting papers relevant to GGOS. See the Call for Papers for more details.
Participants: Interested scientists.
Status: Completed.
Vienna, Austria; Session in the Annual Assembly of the EGU.
April 22, 2009 M. Pearlman WG Title: GGOS Bureau for Networks and Communications
Duration: 6:30-9:00 PM.
Objectives: Review of status and progress.
Participants: Bureau members and invited guests.
Status: Completed.
Technical University, Vienna, Austria.
Web page: BNC Web Page.
April 23, 2009 H.-P. Plag WG Title: GGOS WG on GEO Relations
Duration: 6:00-9:00 PM.
Objectives: Review of status and progress; discussion of position paper.
Participants: WG Members and invited guests.
Status: Completed. See the WG Web Page.
Technical University, Vienna, Austria.
Web page: WG Web Page.

In case of problems, mail to info@iag-ggos.org.

Last edited 02 December 2016