Acknowledgment ...
The GGOS 2020 Page
In the period from April 2006 to December 2008, a team of international experts representing all relevant scientific fields prepared a book on The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the requirements of a global society on a changing planet in 2020, denoted shortly as the GGOS 2020 book. In several specific chapters, this book provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of scientific and societal applications depending on geodetic observations and products and the corresponding observational requirements. Moreover, the book provides conceptual considerations for a future geodetic reference frame that would meet these requirements and the general features of a future global geodetic observing system that would ensure sufficient and appropriate observations. Likewise, the organizational issues for the administration of this observing system in the frame of the International Association of Geodesy are addressed.
The preparation of the GGOS 2020 book was part of the GEO Sub-Task DA-09-02c (former Task AR-07-03) included in the Work Plan 2009-2011 of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO).
This web page provides general information on the preparation of the GGOS 2020 book. More information is available on request from the lead editor, Hans-Peter Plag. An overview of the members of the Writing Team is available as pdf.
A brief GGOS 2020 History
The GGOS 2020 Process was initiated in April 2006. The original idea was formulated during a discussion first with John LaBrecque, Bjorn Engen and Hans-Peter Plag, which was later joint by Markus Rothacher. During the Fifth Meeting of the GGOS Steering Committee the concept was proposed to the Committee (see the minutes available at the web page of the Fifth Meeting of the Steering Committee). In May 2006, the GGOS Executive Committee compiled a first Writing Team, with Hans-Peter Plag as the Lead Editor. Subsequently, the Writing Team had a number of meetings and telecons and developed the draft GGOS 2020 Book. The progress was frequently reviewed by the GGOS Executive Committee and the GGOS Steering Committee.
Early in 2007, a draft was sent to six reviewers, and five of these provided very helpful comments. These comments lead to considerable modifications of the draft.
In May 2007, a new draft was made available to the wider IAG Community for review. More than 300 individual comments were provided in eighteen submissions by individuals and representatives of IAG Services and Commissions. These comments led to further extensive revisions of the document. At its 13th meeting, the GGOS Steering Committee requested that the book would be reviewed by a Panel to be set up by the IAG Executive Committee. This review was completed in December 2008, and a final revision of the book was carried out. The manuscript was submitted to Springer in April 2009, and the book was published on August 15, 2009.