GGOS Activities
GGOS Projects
The GGOS 2020 Book contains a number of Recommendations, which partly need to be implemented by GGOS. In following up Recommendation 9.1, GGOS has initiated the Global Geodetic Core Network Project (GGCN).
GGOS Strategy and Implementation Plan
GGOS is in the process of developing a strategy for the next decade, on which an implementation plan could be based. For more information, see here ...
The IAG is a Participating Organization in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and through GGOS is actively involved in most of the GEO Committees and WGs. Material that may be relevant for GGOS, the GGOS WGs and the Steering Committee is made available on a GGOS-GEO page or the page of the GGOS Working Group on GEO Relations.
The GGOS 2020 Book
One of the main activities led by GGOS was the compilation of the so-called GGOS 2020 Book, titled Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. The book was published by Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg in August 2009. For more information, see here ...
Previous activities
GGOS was a partner in the IGOS Partnership (IGOS-P) until the Partnership was dissolved in May 2008. GGOS is interacting with the still existing IGOS-P Themes and/or the GEO Communities of Practices that to a large extent emerged out of Themes. All relevant material for the GGOS contributions to IGOS-P is available on the GGOS-IGOS-P page.
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